Sunday 15 May 2016


Our very own Benue son of the soil Don Bounce who is currently on his youth service in Anambra State, in the community of Ide was yesterday the 14th of May 2016 honored with a Chieftaincy title by the people of ide community under the leadership of Igwe Akoose of ide.

The coronation took place at the community town hall where he was honored with the title “ICHIE OJEMBA 1 OF IDE” which is translated as "a foreigner who came into the community and did something good or did great things". Can you imagine that kind of title? What a title, Don Bounce is doing us proud outside home.

The whole community of Ide was happy to celebrate with him on his coronation, Don Bounce who has been in the community for some time developed a strong relationship with the people of the community in every aspect, as we all know Don Bounce he is a well talented person with numerous talents and everywhere he goes he puts his talent up and uses it to put smiles on the faces of people and it is by this that the people of Ide community have found him worthy to bestow on him this wonderful title.

Without been told you can agree with me that Don Bounce is loved by every member of that community, from the children to the youths to the old.
 As a family LANDBAZE travelled all the way to Enugu to celebrate with Don Bounce and were able to speak to a few people in the community, in a statement with the Igwe of the community Igwe Akoose he said “ever since this boy came here, he has been of great help to this community in every aspect, he is respectful, humble, kind and above all a very interesting person, he entertain us with his music and especially his dance, we all love him and this is one way to show him how much we appreciate him” the Igwe said.
Elder Maduka, a well-respected elder in the community also said “ICHIE OJEMBA 1 OF IDE always comes to my house anytime I call him and whenever he does he puts me and my family in a very happy mood, he is funny and talented, in short he is a God sent to this community” so elder Maduka said.

Don Bounce has also created a music and dance Troupe in the community of Ide where he is in charge of all its activities.
On the day of coronation the Igwe promised to support Don Bounce in any way at all for the good of the dance troupe and community at large, the Igwe also surprised his new Chief Don Bounce with a free well-furnished Room in his Palace.
Well Done Don Bounce…Continue to do us proud.
If u missed the fun, well Landbaze brings you pictures at coronation…ENJOY

Don Bounce with one of the elder

ICHIE OJEMBA 1 OF IDE with maidens of the community

With Masqurades


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